Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our New Year's Eve

So for our New Year's Eve celebration we decided to make a tri tip roast for dinner this time around. I know my picture isn't the best. My batteries were low and I couldn't use my flash. We got the idea from a friend who makes them and found a recipe on the web.
We served it with Ingleside's Special Reserev Petit Verdot. Which is so good!

So good in fact that our buddy, Greta, drank it. And she's not a big wine drinker.

We barely made it to midnight. And switched from the Three Stooges marathon to watch the ball drop.

A side note: In my opinion I think Dick Clark needs to step away from the limelight. I'd like to remember you in a better light than the one I saw. He screwed up the count down for goodness sake.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.