Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ingleside Syrah 2007 Release

Ingleside Vineyard's Courtyard
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So on April 29th we were able to go to Ingleside Vineyards for their release of the 2007 Syrah.  2007 was a wonderful year for Virginia red wines so we knew we HAD to give this a try.

Also I worked at Ingleside during this harvest so I felt a sort of attachment to it.  So color me tickled that it was finally released!

Darby wants to see what's on the table

For this trip we decided to take our sweet little dog, Darby, with us.  She doesn't travel well so I had to get some puppy relaxants for her.  It was a 2.5 hour drive.

Needless to say, she did fantastic.  She really seemed to enjoy it this time around.  And I didn't have to deal with cleaning up barf.

She really enjoyed her adventure and getting to see our friend, Phil, for a nice long visit.  Darby loves to love and be loved upon.

And really how can you not love that sweet little face?

You know you can't.

We were able to call ahead and reserve a cheese platter for the day.  It came with three types of cheese, salami, fruit and a baguette.  I also got us a glass each of the new Syrah.

Let me just say that the wine was MUCH better than the cheese platter.  For what you paid I expected a bit more.  Oh well.  At least the wine was good!

And of course I did have to get a photo of the servers out in the courtyard.  A touch of class to be sure!

Afterwards we were able to stop in and visit our favorite artist, Phil McKenney, and visit for a while.

Darby had a fantastic time and really wants to know when we will be doing this again.  Although, next time she wants to be able to have a glass of whatever it is we're drinking.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.