As most of our friends know, Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Every year we have sat out in our driveway with our neighbor, John, to pass out candy. Normally there is a tasty concoction that I have brewed up just for the occasion. In colored plastic cups.
We have done it almost every year we've been in this house. So that's seven or so Halloweens.

I use the past tense because this will be our last Halloween in this house for a while. By this time next year we will be in California. Hopefully we'll be in a great neighborhood that likes Halloween as much as we do. It makes me slightly sad though.

Instead, this year we did it up a bit more. We grilled. Had lots of tasty beverages. Invited friends over. There were ten adults that night. Quite the little shin dig don't you think?
And we handed out full size candy bars. That's right we do it up right at our house. And I had no candy left by the end of the night. Does it count that one of my friends 'traded' me a bucket of their fun size candy for five of my full size candy bars? And I didn't eat any of my candy. I swear! Trick or treaters really made out like bandits at our house. Not only were we giving out full size candy bars, but there were two other adults giving out candy by the handfuls.
Plus we had Edgar Allan Poe's works being read by Vincent Price playing in the background.
All in all, I think it was a pretty successful night. Especially considering we didn't shut down until midnight even though the trick or treaters were done by eight. Gotta love a fire pit, good drinks, great friends and fun conversations.
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