Monday, April 20, 2009

The Universe Is Against Me!

The baseball season is upon us. Yeah! I've purchased Extra Innings from Cox so that we can watch the Cardinals play.

They had a game against Chicago Saturday afternoon. We were all set to watch, but it was not to be. Apparently the game was on FOX in that area so we didn't get it. Why am I paying for Extra Innings again? Greedy FOX! What about fans that don't live in the area?

Another game was to be played Sunday evening. Again we were all set to enjoy the game. I'd hurried home from a previous engagement and was really ready for some baseball. It was rained out.

That is why I say the Universe is against me!

The next game is Tuesday, so we'll see if the fates are against me or not.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.