Monday, July 14, 2008

What Does Michelle Do With Her Monday and Wednesday Afternoons?

I know this is a question that has been on most people's minds.  I mean who wouldn't want to know?  I'm interesting.  Right?  Okay stop laughing now!
So let me put you all out of your misery.  I've been taking a Digital Photography class.  Yes I'm in school again.
So instead of writing anything of substance I'll bore you with my photos.  I've already babbled about it in the other blog, but there are so many pictures to share.  So I decided to spread it out.

So a few of these are 'action' photos while the rest are still life photos.  I'm enjoying the course and hope you'll enjoy the photos.  I have to chose 10 for my final project.


LindaWright said...

I love the water picture and the "action" pictures are great. You need to teach me that trick, one of these days.

neilinda said...

Gosh, i thought the weekend pictures might be posted.
Guess we'll have to wait until you've had a chance to rest up from the trip.
FYI, i realized last night (actually at 3AM this morning) that we'd forgotten to make a letter while posing.

---linda :)

A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.