Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dillo Adventures

So after a bit of time here in Rhode Island we finally brought out our Dillo.  It's great for opening up bottles of beer.  We gave it to a few of our friends before departing Virginia.

Jim loves it and we fought over it for a while.  So I thought it fitting to introduce our Dillo to the growlers we purchased from Coddington Brewery.  It looks like he bit off more than he could chose.  Guess we can't use him to open these.  ;-)

So after that encounter the Dillo retired to the wine rack.  It's his favorite hang out.  Okay I know it was a bad pun.  

But don't worry about him.  He didn't hide for long.  We brought out beer that was just his size.

It soothed his little Dillo ego just fine.  And just to make sure he was okay with everything we decided to polish off quite a number of bottles.


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.