Monday, March 24, 2008

No More Rosato.

Friday was bittersweet. We opened the last bottle of Rosato (sweet!). It was much more flavorful than Ruth, Michelle and I remembered from the tasting we did just two weeks prior (very sweet!).  And we got to share our favorite "drinking wine" with friends (totally sweet!).

Now for the bitter part. It was the last bottle of Rosato! That's it. There is no more. I figure that we went through two cases of Rosato in the past year. One of those cases was done by the end of last June. What can I say, it makes an outstanding back porch wine. 

In keeping with the "we're out of Rosato" theme, we are now accepting donations for disadvantaged Virginia transplants to New England. The Foundation to Provide Rosato Di Sangiovese to Virginia Transplants (FPRDSVT) can be contacted through this board, email, and at our mailing address. We will be taking donations for either Ingleside vintange. We're willing to shamelessly plug said wine through this and any other website that allows spamming!

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.