Monday, March 17, 2008

The measure of a man...

I think we can finally put move number 9 in the books. All the household goods have arrived. The utilities have been turned on, and the washer and dryer have been replaced. Not much left to do, except unpack boxes. How and what to unpack is going to be the key decisions over the next fews days and possibly weeks.

The move has stimulated a little thought, very little. How do you measure a person? By their accomplishments? By their income? By their spouse? By the company they keep?

How about by measuring how much crap they lug around from location to location. The latest measurements for the Davenport household are in. It appears we have used 110 packing boxes; this doesn't count Michelle's tote obsession, furniture, bulky items, etc. That translates to about 7,500 pounds worth of crap (when it is your stuff it you can call your belongings crap; when it is someone else's stuff it's their treasured possessions). It's not a lot in the grand scheme of things; our strategy to travel light seems to be paying off...somewhat. 

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.