Saturday, May 31, 2008

Middle of the Night Battlestar Galactica Theory

I'm doing this while Michelle is asleep, so as not to be influenced by her theories any more than I already have been. I'm typing this at 0200, so pardon my spelling errors and incoherent thoughts. I'll try to edit this when I get a clearer head.

First of all, I think Michelle is right. The fifth Cylon is the doctor, but whoever turns out to be the final Cylon is not really material to my theory.

My theory starts with the Opera House vision. In the vision, Baltar and Caprica Six leave the Opera House with Hera, Athena and Helo's child. It has been postulated elsewhere on the Internet that these three will be the only three who survive to make a new life on earth. 

I think they're on to something. Many of the images on BSG have Biblical parallels. In this case, Baltar would be Adam. Caprica Six would be Eve. Hera, possibly Nicolas Tyrol, and Six's child would be the offspring of Adam and Eve. (Who says the off spring can't be adopted.) Six's child is an offspring of the original five Cylons, thanks to Saul Tigh's hard work. So the lineage of the original five Cylons can carry on to earth. Hera is a combination of human and new Cylon DNA. You have all three DNA lines carrying on to earth. To start the cycle again.

Let's talk for a minute about the cycle. The show says, often, that this has all happened before and will all happen again. What has happened exactly? My theory is that humanity has created artificial life before and that artificial life has at various times through the cycle rebelled against and combined with their creators to start life anew. The final five Cylons, in my estimation, are representative of the last cycle. 

So creating artificial life would be similar to the knowledge of the God/gods, which causes the current incarnation of humanity to be cast out from their "Eden" and into the wilderness. I think the journey through the wilderness is very similar to the flight of the Israelites. There is a lot of wondering to get to the promised land, in this case earth. I think the writers are grabbing from both the ejection from paradise and the journey to the promised land to tell their story.

So I think earth will be the next Kobol. Life anew will start there with Baltar, Caprica Six, and several of the human-Cylon and old-Cylon/new-Cylon hybrids. Eventually, just as it did before, the new race will push out to other planets from earth. Once they reach these new planets they will once again discover the forbidden knowledge, creating artificial life, which will result in ejection from their paradise, and they'll once again start their journey to a new promised land.


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.