Friday, May 16, 2008

New Evil

Not too long ago one of Jim's classmate's introduced me to a new evil addiction going by the name of Webkinz. Sure they look innocent enough. It's just a little stuffed animal with a code that you go to this website and type in. You name and adopt the animal and it becomes a virtual pet. Innocent right? Yeah right. That little pet gets a room and you have to feed him, play with him, take him to school and buy stuff for him. It's very addictive.

It was started by teachers for children because apparently there were parents complaining about pets in the classroom. I'm not going to get into all of that. It can be a very educational site. Teaching kids how to manage their Webkinz cash and how to earn more and lots of educational stuff. But it's very addictive for adults as well. Sadly I've become one of those.

Hello my name is Michelle and I'm a Webkinz addict. And I will do all in my power to spread this evil disease among my friends. Insert the evil laughter here! Yes I know I'm warped.


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.