Saturday, May 24, 2008

There Be Pirates!

So one reason for going to downtown Newport this weekend, other than the reasons stated in the last post, was the Pirate fest that they had today. It was mostly for kids, but we had fun. We went on a tour and heard about pirates from the Newport, RI area.
Our tour guide, Slack Bladder, was in full costume. Hey that's what he said his name was. I can't make stuff like this up. As you can see the kids were very excited. There were three kids on the tour and they tormented the poor man to no end.

He told them to leave the Jolly Roger alone. Which apparently in kid speak means please try to get me. Please wrangle your child. They weren't that bad. Well except for one kid who couldn't seem to shut up!

At one point in time he requested a volunteer. Jim was kind enough to volunteer me by shoving me to the front of the group. Hence the reason I seem to be scowling at the camera.

He of course had to comment on my tee shirt since it said Trouble on the front. And then had to keep mangling my name. Which he thoroughly enjoyed. I couldn't stop laughing. Especially since he kept up the pirate speak and never broke character.

Now he wants me to repeat after him. And that can be difficult when you're still laughing. Plus I know Jim's got that darn camera. If only I knew that he was going to record some of this as well.

Okay I managed to stop laughing, but it was hard. If only I knew what was coming next. He told me how one dastardly pirate would feed his prisoners. And unfortunately I was playing the prisoner.

Let's just say it involved ears, nose, lips and hardtack to be stirred in my hands. Ew! Oh and here's the clincher! The bits and pieces would all be from me! Yuck! I did get a farthing for my trouble though and a round of applause. Thanks Jim for the good natured shove.

And side note to Colten. Sorry buddy no pictures of Uncle Jim with the pirate. We didn't have time.


Here's a clip of Mich-Elle and the pirate Slack Bladder:


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.