Saturday, June 21, 2008

How To Spend Your Friday Night

So how should one spend their Friday night?  Hmm.  Why not walk a 5K with some buddies?  That's what I did last night.  Maybe it's not glamorous, but it was fun.  Kinda.  ;-p

Jim actually came with to cheer us on.  That's why there are actually pictures with me in them this time around.    We were the Disney Dames and each had their favorite character on the back of their shirt.  It's hard to tell, but their are five of us.  You can read more about that on my blog.

This is the first person to complete the race.  He cheated though,  he ran it.  ;p  At least we weren't the only ones walking this time.  There were three other women behind us.  And I didn't come in last!  Yeah!  Apparently when there are base events there normally are more walkers.  I found that interesting.  There were even kids in this event.  Plus people with strollers.  Made me think my buddy John and his mini me should have been there.  =)

Jim got a little bored while waiting for me to finish so he shot some pictures of the surrounding area.  Hey you try waiting around for 43 plus minutes with nothing to do.  At least he stayed out of trouble.  This is Gould Island.  If you qualify to sail or use the power boats (I'm not quite sure on this last one) this is one of the markers that they use as to how far you can go.  

This is the Pell Bridge.  We've actually posted this picture before, but it was a nighttime photo and it was a shot from someone else off of the Internet.  It's really tall, but when you drive it you don't really feel like it's all that tall and you do feel pretty safe on it.  I'm not nearly as uncomfortable on this bridge as some of the bridges that we've driven on in the past.

And here's a picture of Karen and I coming around the bend towards the finish line.  And yes that's one of our team mates coming to cheer us on.  Christy had already finished.  She took off like a rocket.  Man she makes mall walkers look like they are standing still!  I have no idea where she gets the energy.  She's a mother of five.  I wonder where she buys her energy from.

This is so you could see your time as you crossed the finish line.  I actually did better than this, but Jim didn't think to snap the photo as I crossed the line.  I'm not complaining.  I'm just glad he was there and that I made my goal of 45 minutes.

After the 'awards ceremony' we went to the O Club for some adult beverages.  But that's a post for another time.  Needless to say we didn't get any awards.  I don't think they like walkers.  Are they anti-walkers?  Is that discrimination?  Okay I'll shut up now.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.