Thursday, June 26, 2008


I almost hate to post this and bump the poem, but I'd been been holding back on this one.  As per Jim's instructions.  I've been given the green light and can now go ahead on this topic.  For those of you who don't speak the military lingo, what my title basically means is that Jim isn't going where we thought we were going.  There was a change in his orders.  Originally he was going to the Arleigh Burke as OPS, but as of Monday night he will now be going to the Gonzalez as OPS.  

Same class ship, same job and thankfully same home port.  

I freaked a bit at first.  I feared they would send us half way around the world with house hunting leave only a week away.  What a logistical nightmare that would have been!  But that wasn't the case.  Thank goodness.

All's well that ends well.  For us any way.  And we will know at least one person on the ship that Jim's heading too.  What is it with me and WEPS?


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.