Friday, June 27, 2008

A Rosatodi Kinda Day

So Jim got home early today.  Hooray!  I'm really liking this department head school stuff.  Well sometimes anyway.  But I like it today.  It's Friday and he was only gone for half the day.  So now I have him home with me!  

It's a beautiful day today.  The sun is shining and it's something like 78 degrees here.  What to do?  What to do?

I know!  Let's open a bottle of Rosato from our favorite winery.  Ingleside!  Look I'm shamelessly promoting you guys.  So that we did.  The first bottle went down quickly.  That's right I said the first bottle.  When we noticed that was empty we went to the fridge and opened our last bottle of this wonderful stuff.  What can I say we're wineauxs.  Hey it's only two bottles, for you prudes that keep count.

On such a beautiful day a Rosato is definitely in order.  Now what will we do?  We have no more?   I fear I shall cry!  Maria, Bill I blame you both for making such a wonderful product and getting me addicted.  And let me tell you I've been getting everyone I know hooked on this stuff.  And it's working.

Jim says that on our way home we may have to try and stop off at our favorite winery to pick up some more wine on the way back from our house hunting trip.  

I'm posting this just to see who actually reads this.  Our hope is to stop by over the Fourth of July weekend on Sunday.  Don't know who'll be working on July 6th, but don't be surprised if you see or hear from us.  But then again don't be surprised if we don't show up either.  You never know how house hunting and drive schedules will go.

So now I'll sit back and see if I get any emails from any of my old work buddies seeing if this post is true.

1 comment:

neilinda said...

i sent you guys an email last night... but i'm thinking what with traveling, you're not able to check your mail often.
Will you be there today?
We have plans for the day, but might try to rush through them so we could hop over to take a look.
Hope to see you on the 19th, when the Ingleside "...not yet released Rosato Di Sangiovese 2007..." will be available for sampling... and perhaps sales.

---linda (and Neil)

A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.