Sunday, June 22, 2008

Polo Anyone?

I know the saying is actually tennis anyone, but when have you known me to be normal?  Really?  Saturday Jim and I attended our first Polo match.  For those of you who know me, yes I was within 100 yards of live horses.  Please try not to faint.  There is actually a Polo Club here.  They played a team from Scotland and it was a lot of fun.  Here's a shot of the flags to one side of the field.  There's a lot of green here.  And it's oh so very nice.

It was a great day to be outside.  The temperature was somewhere in the mid 70's and there was a nice breeze.  We brought chairs and blankets.  Plus sandwiches, snack items, drinks and of course adult beverages.  As you can see Jim took full advantage of our friends.  =)    John thought it was funny.  And when Ruth noticed she didn't kill him, so that's good.

We had wondered about how they would referee the game and here's our answer.  The ref was on a horse as well.  There are many intricacies to Polo and I'm sure I don't fully understand it, but I enjoyed it.  I know I was shocked myself.

I figured it would be something I would go to and never again darken the door of.  At least I could say I had done it.  Lots of friends from Jim's school were there.  This is Julie and her daughter Heidi.  My only wish is that I had brought more than one bottle of Rosato with me.  But had only one chilled at the time so no others went with me.  It was quite a hit.  I'll be sure to have more chilled next time.  Plus I've promised to make white Sangria out of Blue Crab Blanc.  

Yep I'm trying to get people hooked on Ingleside while here in Rhode Island.  There was even a bagpipe marching band there to perform.  I never did get the chance to ask them if they were in truly authentic garb.  Sans underwear.  ;-)  Did you really expect me to behave myself.  I didn't cause a scene or say anything.  I promise!

Of course I can't do this blog, show a picture of John and Ruth (even if it is the back of their heads) and not post one of Theo.  Theo discovered that he really liked Gretchen's chair.  Check it out dad I'm a big boy.  Beer me!  Why does everyone keep calling my name and wanting me to look at them?  Geesh!  I did go out to mash divots, but there weren't any to turn.  And no I didn't touch any of the steaming piles.  Yuck!  Did see a bunch of dogs snacking though.  Gross.

Last, but not least you have to see the scoreboard.  USA won!  At the end both teams ride around the field and gets congratulations from the crowd.  I stayed back.  What can I say I'm chicken.  And yes my 'friends' had a good chuckle over that.  But I don't care.  Horses are big and they do have teeth!

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.