Sunday, April 27, 2008

The stages of moving

And no I'm not talking about packing, moving, unpacking, wondering where the heck your favorite T-shirt is (that's another post). I'm talking about the mental aspect which I think is very similar to buying a new car, house, or something equally expensive, or even the five stages of mourning.

The first stage is excitement. The move entails adventure. It seems natural then that moving, starting a new chapter of your life is exciting.

The second stage is apprehension. It's natural when you're going someplace new to be nervous about it.

The third stage is grief. Leaving your old life and friends behind can be very trying.

The fourth stage is euphoria. You get to your new home and hope abounds. You notice all the nice things about the people and the location you moved to.

The fifth stage is regret. The euphoria wears off. You start noticing all the faults of the people and location you moved to. You wonder how you'll get used to living in the new location.

The final stage is acceptance. You get "into the groove" of your new location and either learn to live with or overlook its faults.

Moving back to a place where you've lived before doesn't stop these stages in my experience, but it does help to even out the highs and the lows.

P.S. If anyone has seen my maroon Antietam shirt or my gray Sharpsburg shirt, let me know. I haven't seen either since the movers showed up with our stuff.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.