Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why Is This So Important?

So today is an important day or at least that's what the news has been telling us. And as most people know the media will always tell us exactly what we need to know. How did we ever live without them. Insert snort here.

I don't actually understand the draw of the Pope. You could probably tell that I'm not Catholic. Although Jim says Lutheran is damn close, just a step down. But we'll leave that one be. I mean it's an 81 year old man for Pete's sake. Props to me for noting that today is his birthday. It all goes down hill from here people. You've been warned.

Back when I worked at UMC my boss's dad was big into the Pope. He went Pope-ing, her words not mine, when John Paul II came to St. Louis. Please let me explain. This is when you take off work to go be among huge crowds in the hope of seeing the Pope in the Pope Mobile. Insert Batman, the television show, theme song here. Only instead of singing Batman sing Popeman. It's like people who go crazy over celebrities. Please! Yep I know I'm going to hell. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a ride in the Pope Mobile. There's only two of them you know?

Okay that's my two cents.


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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.