Monday, April 14, 2008

Things That Shouldn't Be

It's not like Reese's with the peanut butter and chocolate. Yum! This is a case of money grubbers going how can we make more money off people. I know let's take two popular movies, mash them together and make a toy out of two toys we already have out on the market. Yeah! That's a great idea! I'm counting the cash already. So I give you this.

We found it while wandering Wal-Mart the other day. How utterly horrible! Jim and I stood there in horror. To mash together Star Wars and Transformers because both are so popular. Stop for the love of Pete! It made me want to puke! Corporate America at it's best. I know there are people are out there thinking this toy is awesome and really they need to get out of their parents basement and get a life!


Note to all my family. None of my nieces or nephews had better ask for these atrocious toys. Or so help me I will get Old Testament on them.

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A Peek At Us

Two really cool froods who always know where their towels are.